Sunday, February 22, 2009

We Are Here!

We have made it to Saudi, we actually arrived about 7am (saudi time) on the compound on Thursday. I have been so tired and busy unpacking that I forgot to post, and forgot to take any pictures. I was so mad at myself, i was gonna take picts of Jack and Hunter meeting at the airport and our arrival at the compound and our walk into the apartment, I just forgot.

Jet lag is a bitch! I have been sleeping at all these weird hours, trying to stay up as long as possible, yesterday was probably the best day. I woke up at 5:30am, managed to stay up all day until 7pm, then i crashed on the couch. Finally went to bed about 8pm and of course woke up at 12 midnight wide awake and ready to go again. Crazy i know. But i got up for only about 2 hours then was able to go back to sleep and woke again at 6am. So thats okay, I cant complain too much!

Hunter and I went to the pool yesterday, (yes i forgot the camera). He had so much fun! I figured we would be there for an hour or we got there at 10 am and stayed till way past 2pm. Hunter wore himself out! When we got home he immdeiately wanted to put on his pjs, I figured he would fall asleep watching tv, what i did not expect is him to actually "ask" to go take a nap! He slept for hours till we finally woke him up at 6!

I of course was sitting in the shade and still got burned! I have to remember to lather myself in sunscreen whenever i leave the house. I mean for pete's sake, i was sitting in the freakin shade!!! I did the same freakin thing last time i was here, burned myself to a crabby shade of red and purple. Thankfully this time its not as severe, just a bit bright red on my arms and face. It will "hopefully" go tan, but doubt it. I will probably be as red as a beet for about 3 days then look like a snake shedding skin for about another week. The joys of having fair skin. I hate it!!!!

That is pretty much all that is going on, we have settled in to the apartment, have pretty much everything unpacked and i have already gone over Jack's "cleaning" job over the entire house. HA HA. He says i am neurotic...I dont know about that, i just think i am "healthier" than most people. Have I mentioned that I miss my vacuum cleaner!!!! I knew that I would with light beige carpeting throughout the house! But honestly the vacuum that they give us is a joke!!! I broke it out the other day and immediately began sneezing fits for hours.... Needless to say we are going vacuum shopping on Thursday! Yeah! (maybe i will make it that long)...

Okay I promise I will try to get some pictures of us this time! I am sure Hunter will want to go to the pool every day for the rest of his life now....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Leaving On a Jet Plane"

Yes, you read that right. We are leaving on a jet plane. Most of you already know, because it was such short notice that I did not even have time to blog about it, I just called everyone instead. But yes, I got a call from Jack on Saturday night saying we are leaving on the 18th! I sat up in bed thinking that it was going to be Tuesday, yes today! I nearly had a coronary... to say the least. I mean I am excited and I sooooooo want to leave and see my husband, but two days notice!!! I did not think I could do it. Of course I never went to the calendar to look up the actual date, just still assuming that it was Tuesday... my bad....

So we are leaving tomorrow, Wed, the actual 18th. And I think I actually got every thing packed and done that I needed to. I work better under pressure I guess.

So we fly out from OKC at 1:50 pm on Wed the 18th, and from there go to Dallas, London Hethrow, Jeddah, Abah (home).... It will take all of 2-3 days. We will arrive in Abah on the 20th but since there is a 9 hour difference it's really 2 1/2 days.... The joys of international travel. Not my favorite part of the trip, but I don't mind flying really, I think I have become pretty good at it, packing (especially carry-ons). People take a whole bunch of crap they don't need onto an airplane, kind of silly really.

Well I guess that's all for now, next time you heard from me I will be on the other side!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Yes, I did repeat myself...I just wanted to emphasize that point, that yes finally (there I go again) we have our visas!!!! Yeah! I can't believe it! I am just so happy at this point I don't even know where to begin... But okay, (sigh) , I was standing in my kitchen making roast for dinner when I hear a bang like a door shutting, sounded like it came from behind me, (the acoustics in our house are strange) so I was expecting any minute for Vickie or someone to be walking in the garage door behind me with some kind of prank to scare me like always cause I did not actually turn around to look at the door. I waited and waited and nothing... So I turned around and nothing, no one... Did not think any more of it until my mom got up from the couch where she fell asleep on her lunch hour (did not realize she was still home) and she opened the front door and there as she opened the door lay a white fed-ex envelope!!! To my amazement I knew immediately what it was!!! It was like the most beautiful fed-ex envelope in the whole entire world. Although I contained my excitement for a brief moment as she handed it to me, (I don't know how I did not charge her down to get to it) but she hands it to me and I slowly flip it over to see the return address!!! And there on the back of the envelope was the name I longed to see; FROM: Diran Visa!!!!! Yes!!! My heart filled with butterflies as I tore open the... ummmm.... long ripper thing at the top of the envelope.... and there it was!!!! Hunter's passport and my passport complete with the stamp and traditional and all official looking seal of the Saudi Embassy!!! My NON EMPLOYMENT VISA!!!!

I almost could not believe my eyes. It seemed to gleam in the sun like a million sparkling dollars! HA! HA! HA! I know I have gotten carried away here..

For those of you who don't know, Saudi Arabia is on of a hand full of countries where you have to actually apply for a residence/work/non work/tourist visa before they will let you in their country. We have been waiting on this mere 2X2 paper to be officially approved by the Saudi govt and attached to my passport and hunters passport before they would arrange for any flights or any thing. And to get the visa you have to subject your self to a ton of labs (some of which are embarrassing) and x-rays and doctors physical, not to mention fill out their official application.... and don't even get me started on the whole marriage license thing...

So in short (actually long) we have our visas now and we are expecting word from the HR guy any day with info on flight availability...We should hear from him maybe fri or sat since its the weekend in Saudi right now. As soon as I hear of any possible flight date I will let you all know.

I did want to clear up a thing or two about my mom back there, she does not normally fall asleep on the couch on her lunch break but she has been sick with the flu for the last 3 days, still not feeling up to par today but getting better...

Okay so as you can imagine I am so excited! It really will NOT be long now that we will be flying across the ocean blue! I did call Jack to tell him and he was drinking (of course) and was so excited he did not know what to say! I think he was drunk! ha! ha! ha!

..................just kidding sweetie.................:-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here is Hunter looking pretty normal without makeing "fighting faces" or being goofy. Beleive me its pretty hard to get him to be serious in front of a camera. Even though he loves having his picture taken he always wants to look mean in them...

Hunter Being a Goofball!!!

We have a million more pictures of him being a goofball, its like an every day thing! But these are some of my favorites!
He cracks me up!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hunter and Daddy! Aren't they Cute!


Hunter and Momma!


I have not arrived in Saudi as of yet! Just wanted to set up this blog spot so we can immediately update friends and family of our situation. We still dont have a date of departure as of yet for Hunter and I, but hope to have one soon. Of course we just feel like we are in limbo at this time. As soon as we hear any info we will post to this webiste. I will upload my travel itenerary as soon as I have one so you all will know exactly when i will be flying out.

Should have kept working longer.... did not know it was going to take 6 freakin months to leave! OH well, if I knew then what i know now right...

We shall see how the rest of this month goes...