Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Yes, I did repeat myself...I just wanted to emphasize that point, that yes finally (there I go again) we have our visas!!!! Yeah! I can't believe it! I am just so happy at this point I don't even know where to begin... But okay, (sigh) , I was standing in my kitchen making roast for dinner when I hear a bang like a door shutting, sounded like it came from behind me, (the acoustics in our house are strange) so I was expecting any minute for Vickie or someone to be walking in the garage door behind me with some kind of prank to scare me like always cause I did not actually turn around to look at the door. I waited and waited and nothing... So I turned around and nothing, no one... Did not think any more of it until my mom got up from the couch where she fell asleep on her lunch hour (did not realize she was still home) and she opened the front door and there as she opened the door lay a white fed-ex envelope!!! To my amazement I knew immediately what it was!!! It was like the most beautiful fed-ex envelope in the whole entire world. Although I contained my excitement for a brief moment as she handed it to me, (I don't know how I did not charge her down to get to it) but she hands it to me and I slowly flip it over to see the return address!!! And there on the back of the envelope was the name I longed to see; FROM: Diran Visa!!!!! Yes!!! My heart filled with butterflies as I tore open the... ummmm.... long ripper thing at the top of the envelope.... and there it was!!!! Hunter's passport and my passport complete with the stamp and traditional and all official looking seal of the Saudi Embassy!!! My NON EMPLOYMENT VISA!!!!

I almost could not believe my eyes. It seemed to gleam in the sun like a million sparkling dollars! HA! HA! HA! I know I have gotten carried away here..

For those of you who don't know, Saudi Arabia is on of a hand full of countries where you have to actually apply for a residence/work/non work/tourist visa before they will let you in their country. We have been waiting on this mere 2X2 paper to be officially approved by the Saudi govt and attached to my passport and hunters passport before they would arrange for any flights or any thing. And to get the visa you have to subject your self to a ton of labs (some of which are embarrassing) and x-rays and doctors physical, not to mention fill out their official application.... and don't even get me started on the whole marriage license thing...

So in short (actually long) we have our visas now and we are expecting word from the HR guy any day with info on flight availability...We should hear from him maybe fri or sat since its the weekend in Saudi right now. As soon as I hear of any possible flight date I will let you all know.

I did want to clear up a thing or two about my mom back there, she does not normally fall asleep on the couch on her lunch break but she has been sick with the flu for the last 3 days, still not feeling up to par today but getting better...

Okay so as you can imagine I am so excited! It really will NOT be long now that we will be flying across the ocean blue! I did call Jack to tell him and he was drinking (of course) and was so excited he did not know what to say! I think he was drunk! ha! ha! ha!

..................just kidding sweetie.................:-)

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